Are you searching for something just as the person in the picture above is?
Perhaps you are feeling lost or just not significant in this world. Let me tell you that God loves you and has a plan for you.
Salvation is not just a "buzz word", but an actual state of being that God offers to ALL who seek it.
People who are saved are said to be "Born Again".
When Jesus was asked what it takes to get into heaven, He said we must be Born Again. (John 3:3 & 3:7)
Being "Born Again"
Why do you need to be "Born Again"? The bible says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. It also says that the wages of sin is death. You can say we all face death, but this is not talking about this death. It is refering to the "second death", which all unforegiven sinners will face eternity in hell. If you are born again, you will spend eternity in the presence of GOD. How is this possible? Jesus paid the penalty for ALL of your sins when he died on the cross. By accepting Jesus as your personal savior, you can be forgiven of your sins and be "Born Again".
How do you go about accepting Jesus? Well it is really pretty easy. First you must recognize that Jesus is God. He is the second person of the Trinity. God the Father is the first person and the Holy Spirit is the third.
Next you must understand and admit to the fact that you are a sinner, then ask God to foregive your sins. You may think that your sins are not foregivable, that there are too many of them, or there are some really bad sins. God recognizes sin as sin. He does not have a sliding scale that determines if your sins are foregivable, He forgives all sin. Next ask Jesus to come into you and lead your life.
When you take these steps the Holy Spirit will indwell you and you will be "born again" or "saved". From that moment on, you are assured of eternal life in the presence of God.
Now if you are ready to accept Jesus as your Savior and let Him be your Lord but you are not sure how to do this, watch this short video with Pastor Greg Laurie, who will help you.
Is There another way?
Salvation is available to all who seek. You may ask yourself, "Why do I need salvation?". Everyone needs salvation.
We are all born with a sin nature. Our parents did not teach us how to sin, we just came by it naturally. God created us all in His image and sin entered the world when Adam disobeyed God. God planned from the beginning to send His son, Jesus to be the sacrificial lamb that would take the punishment for our sins. The bible tells us that the wages of sin is death. We are all going to die, but this statement refers to eternal life. If we die as sinners, we are destined to spend eternity in hell along with Satan. For those who have Jesus as their savior, we are promised to spend eternity in heaven, in the presence of God.
When Jesus died on the cross, He took on the punishment for our sins. When He was resurrected, He overcame death. You can overcome death also, by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
If you are thinking that there is another way to salvation, you are wrong. Jesus is the only way! I would ask you to watch this short video of Billy Graham explaining this.
The book of revelation is the Last book in the Bible. Many avoid reading it because it seems difficult to understand because of allof all the visions that John has. If you would like this book explained to you, click on the link below to listen to an excellent Bible teacher unwrap the message line by line.
Click here for Revelation Teachings